



Chris Hull is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Power Group in the Department of Engineering Science at the 牛津大学. 克里斯热衷于电气化和脱碳, and his research focuses on developing tools and knowledge to accelerate the electrification of public road transport in sub-Saharan Africa. 特别是, 他关注的是小巴出租车行业, 哪个国家占了该地区近三分之二的旅客旅程.

Chris's doctoral work has been foundational in understanding the 能源 requirements and driving patterns of the minibus taxis, and he has developed novel methods for designing hybrid renewable charging stations in the face of local electricity supply constraints. His research collaborations with Stellenbosch University led to the electric minibus taxi retrofit in sub-Saharan Africa.  改造的完成, a technology which enables minibus taxi electrification without requiring large-scale local electric vehicle manufacturing capacity, marked a significant advancement towards achieving affordable and clean mass transportation in the developing world.

新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖学金将使他能够继续进一步的研究, 出差参加会议, 把他的作品呈现给更多的观众, hopefully attracting further interest and investment in electric transportation and renewable 能源 in sub-Saharan Africa. 



Yuezhou罗 is a PhD candidate in the Electrical Engineering Division at the 剑桥大学, 在哪里 他之前获得了连接电子和光子系统的硕士学位. 2020年获中国复旦大学材料物理学学士学位.

Yuezhou’s PhD research investigates novel electronic devices based on amorphous semiconductors. 他专注于氢化非晶硅(a-Si:H),薄膜晶体管中最早的沟道半导体之一. 尽管它有迷人的优点, a-Si:H由于其电子迁移率低而被后继者所掩盖, 但这些继任者也有自己的问题.

Yuezhou established a systematic theory and a computationally tractable model which links material structure with electrical properties relevant to localised band tail states. Insights brought modifications to existing charge transport theories and validated that the electron mobility of a-Si:H in a novel device can be significantly improved without material-level optimisations. 这意味着潜在的回报 a-Si:H,可能对信息显示等行业产生重大影响.

Being awarded the 哈德威尔国际研究奖学金 will facilitate the dissemination of his research and allow Yuezhou to explore further ideas in the rest of his PhD.

Leslie H Paddle奖学金


Peiqian郭 is a Chartered Engineer and a PhD student at the Department of Electronic, 电气与系统工程, 工程学院, 伯明翰大学.

裴谦专注于基于vsc的电力系统直流技术, 可再生能源整合, 以及牵引供电系统. 他得到电子系的支持, 电气与系统工程 at the 伯明翰大学 and the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University.

His current research focuses on developing high-power density and flexible interconnection strategies for urban distribution networks in load-centred cities, as well as exploring the zero-carbon transport-power nexus in load-centered environments. 这些努力旨在更好地适应可再生能源和电动汽车, 增强电力系统的稳定性和灵活性, 推动脱碳.

他致力于弥合学术和实际应用之间的差距, 加强大学间的合作, 研究机构和电力公司.

The Leslie H Paddle奖学金 will motivate his future research work within the global power, 能源, 交通社区, 促进进一步参与工业和学术合作.



穆罕默德Elzeadani is a PhD candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at 伦敦帝国理工学院.

His research is focused on developing sustainable rubberised concrete materials for use in buildings subjected to extreme loads. The concrete developed avoids Portland cement completely for environmental reasons and uses industrial waste materials with cementitious characteristics instead. A proportion of the natural aggregates in concrete is also replaced with crumb rubber particles derived from end-of-life vehicle tyres. This provides a recycling path for waste tyres and enhances the deformation characteristics of concrete.

Mohamed’s research attempts to provide a detailed account of the mechanical properties and structural behaviour of the rubberised concrete developed using both experimental and numerical simulation methods.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖 will enable Mohamed to expand his PhD work to consider other loading scenarios and member configurations, 哪一点可以提升他的研究成果的深度.



Junluo李 is a PhD candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University, 北京, 中国. Her research focuses on high-能源-density and high-temperature film capacitor dielectrics.

在她攻读博士学位期间, Junluo has developed a high-temperature capacitor film designed for industrial applications. 通过将模拟与实验工作相结合, she engineered an advanced modified polypropylene dielectric material and elucidated its multi-level structural impact on electrical properties. 她的创新电容器薄膜, which is scalable for large-scale production and reduces volume by 45 times while maintaining the same 能源 storage density at extreme temperatures, 确保在恶劣条件下稳定运行.

如果得到广泛采用,该技术可以显著减少CO2 并拓宽薄膜电容器的应用领域. 君罗积极传播她的发现, 弥合学术界和工业界之间的差距, 并推动电介质材料和电容器技术的进步.

新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖将为君罗的工作提供额外的动力. 她还计划利用这个奖项参加更多的国际科学会议.



丽莎Alazraki is a PhD student at the Department of Computing at 伦敦帝国理工学院. 在攻读博士学位之前, she was awarded a DeepMind scholarship to complete an MSc in AI and Machine Learning at Imperial College. Lisa previously obtained a degree in Fine Art before becoming fascinated with artificial intelligence and embarking on science and engineering studies.

Lisa的研究兴趣是大型基础模型和大型语言模型. Her academic work attempts to enhance these models’ reasoning and planning capabilities and improve their performance in complex and challenging tasks, 比如解数学题, 知识密集型问答, 以及虚拟环境的导航. 此外,她对模型的稳健性和通用性很感兴趣. 丽莎希望通过她的研究对更有能力的人产生积极的影响, 事实, 可靠的基础模型, 随着它们在社会中的应用和重要性的增加.

因为处理大型模型是一项数据和计算密集型的工作, receiving an 新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖 will help Lisa with the costs of collecting a new dataset and accessing additional GPUs.