


香精詹 is a PhD candidate in the Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, 美国. Xianghao comes from 中国 with a BEng in Control Science and Engineering and a BA in English Language and Literature from Zhejiang University. 

Xianghao专注于外伤性脑损伤计算模型的优化. His research enables a better understanding of the brain deformation mechanism and how the biomechanical loading results in BBB disruption. 他发展得很快。, accurate and generalisable computational model that significantly reduces the time expenditure on the TBI research. The computational models will assist in researchers’ calculation of brain deformation from measured kinematics. 他的工作将使临床医生能够实时监测TBI风险. 在可穿戴设备中结合传感器信号记录和处理, 头部撞击的风险是可以评估的.

Xianghao has published 15 journal and conference articles as a first/co-first author on NPJ Digital Medicine, IEEE生物医学工程学报. 他是2021年新萄新京十大正规网站 PresentIn10大赛的三名国际决赛选手之一. He said this award served as the motivation for him to start another journey on his research work. 有了这种动力和鼓励, he will dedicate himself to delve into the missing link between the brain deformation and the TBI pathologies and try his best to model the relationship for the benefit in the prevention of TBI.



克里沙努·戴伊是卡文迪什实验室的剑桥印度拉马努金物理学博士学者, 他是剑桥大学的教授,也是丘吉尔学院的成员.

属于印度阿萨姆邦的一个偏远边境小镇, Krishanu was always fascinated by light-electricity or photon-electron interactions that have revolutionised many modern-day electronic inventions. Solar photovoltaic research really appealed to him and he had experience of working on solar-driven water splitting and a variety of photovoltaic material technologies. 其中包括III-V串联太阳能电池、CIGS太阳能电池和钙钛矿太阳能电池.

在他的博士阶段, Krishanu is using a host of optical spectroscopy and electrical methods to unravel various fundamental optoelectronic properties of mixed lead-tin halide perovskite materials which are key components of the next generation all-perovskite tandem solar cells. He also uses many of the insights obtained from such fundamental studies to fabricate lab-scale high efficiency mixed lead-tin perovskite solar cells with minimised loss channels.

The 哈德威尔国际研究奖学金 will help him to explore halide perovskite materials for the reverse process of light emission by developing several internal and external collaborations. The scholarship will support him in disseminating his work at major international scientific conferences in the coming year. 




Her research focuses on accelerating high-fidelity computational methods for neutron transport simulations via optimised representations of nuclear data. This work is crucial to support and accelerate the design phase of nuclear fission and future fusion reactors.

瓦莱里亚也是SCONE的主要开发者之一, 这是英国40年来第一个高性能蒙特卡罗粒子传输代码. SCONE也是英国唯一的开源反应堆物理工具. 在她博士毕业之后, 瓦莱里亚希望继续致力于SCONE,将其应用范围扩大到其他领域, 例如核医学和空间应用.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖 will help Valeria to promote her research and pursue a career in the international nuclear industry.


Saylee Jangam

Saylee是伦敦帝国理工学院生物工程新萄新京十大正规网站的博士生. Her research focuses on the development of wearable microneedle biosensors for infection monitoring, 发现败血症的早期预警信号并优化抗菌药物的剂量.

在获得博士学位之前, Saylee was a Research Assistant at the 印度n Institute of Science where she co-developed SPECTRA-tube, a novel clinical specimen collection and transportation device to provide remote diagnosis of tuberculosis for patients in rural 印度.

作为GapSummit的前副总裁, 解决生物技术最大差距的生物创业会议, 她在大流行期间共同领导了该组织的第一次虚拟gap峰会. 来自40多个国家的100位未来领袖齐聚一堂.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖 will allow Saylee to further her research in biosensors and present her work at international conferences.



贾通用电气 is from 中国 and is a PhD student at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 贝尔法斯特女王大学.

His research interest is advanced manufacturing of aircraft carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite.

从西北工业大学毕业后, 西安, 中国, 他开始攻读航空航天工程博士学位, 他在哪里获得了EPSRC全额资助的博士奖学金. His research focuses on advanced manufacturing of aerostructures consisting of novel sustainable thermoplastic composites. His research addresses the urgent needs of decarbonising the aerospace industry through enhanced manufacturing efficiency and use of sustainable materials.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖 will help Jia to further his research objectives and sign up for training courses to expand his expertise and skill set. 该奖项还可以资助他参加会议,传播他的研究成果. Jia aims to pursue a post-doctoral research role in the field of manufacturing of sustainable aerostructures to contribute to the net zero target.



罗尼·史密斯是爱丁堡机器人中心的一名博士生, 作为EPSRC机器人博士培训中心的一部分 & 赫瑞瓦特大学和爱丁堡大学的自主系统. His research focuses on enabling pro-active robotic assistance for people who need support during activities of daily life at home.

Ronnie’s research brings together a number of topics to bring humans ‘in-the-loop’ and give them ownership over their own assistive technology. 这包括将主动学习应用于活动识别, 使用新颖的会话界面. This reduces the need for supervised learning and helps to deal with long-term changes in user behaviour or environment. 目前, Ronnie is focusing on using the conversational agent to allow the user to ask the robot for help during activities, in order to intelligently provide pro-active assistance when that activity is detected in the future.

Recognition of his work through the 新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖 will help Ronnie in promoting his work and stimulating engagement with industry stakeholders in the care sector. 该奖项还将支持他传播其工作成果. 罗尼希望通过博士后研究继续他在辅助机器人方面的工作.

