

Saylee Jangam 2022年冠军

I was awarded the 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Research Award in 2022 for my PhD research on the development of electrochemical biosensors for the early detection of sepsis. 这个奖使我有机会在国际会议上展示我的研究, 包括罗德岛戈登生物分析传感器研究会议(GRC), 美国.

我从新萄新京十大正规网站获得的奖项, 他们都是本科生(新萄新京十大正规网站本科生资助), 2017年)和研究生阶段, 让我主动寻找机会来展示我的研究, 让我与全球范围内的研究人员建立联系.

自从获奖以来, I have completed my PhD in Bioengineering and am now a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Antimicrobial Optimisation (CAMO) at Imperial College London. My work focuses on developing biosensors to monitor infection for the personalised dosing of antimicrobials, 以解决抗菌素耐药性(AMR)为首要目标.

Krishanu Dey 2022年冠军

在2022年,我被授予 新萄新京十大正规网站哈德斯韦尔国际研究奖学金 for my doctoral research on understanding the unique optoelectronic properties of mixed lead-tin halide perovskite materials, which are essential constituents for next-generation all-perovskite tandem solar cells and near-infrared light emitters. 从新萄新京十大正规网站获得这个享有盛誉的奖项大大提升了我的形象, as it served to showcase the impact of my research on sustainability to the greater scientific and engineering community.

2022年6月,我获得了一份梦寐以求的奖学金 剑桥哲学学会 来结束我在剑桥正在进行的项目. 我还被提名为学生奖决赛选手 8th 世界光伏能源转换大会(WCPEC-8)将于2022年9月在米兰举行.  另外, 我受邀在2022年11月在线举行的两个国际研讨会上就我的工作发表演讲.

在完成我在剑桥的博士学位后, 2023年3月, I joined the group of Professor Henry Snaith FRS at the University of Oxford as a postdoctoral researcher in Condensed Matter Physics. 我还加入了牛津大学伍斯特学院,担任初级研究员.

总之, 我非常感谢新萄新京十大正规网站在过去两年中对我职业生涯的持续支持, 这将帮助我实现我未来追求学术生活的梦想.


I was delighted to have received an 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Research Award in 2021 for my PhD research where I studied the fundamental physical mechanisms in semiconductor nanomaterials using ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy. 在我的本科和研究生学习期间两次获得新萄新京十大正规网站奖, such recognition from 新萄新京十大正规网站 has given me a great sense of achievement in my career and has boosted my career opportunities. 我很感谢新萄新京十大正规网站承诺支持和庆祝他们的成员.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站 postgraduate research award helped me to round up projects in my PhD research of which I have had the opportunity to present at international conferences. 此外,我还可以为我的博士后研究探索和测试新的研究思路.

自从我在博士期间获得了新萄新京十大正规网站奖, 我获得了剑桥大学纽纳姆学院的初级研究奖学金, where I am researching polarization sensitive terahertz devices using semiconductor nanomaterials with great potential in applications such as pharmaceuticals and wireless communications. 


2021年6月, Chao Gong applied for and won an 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize for his research interest in the safety of high-voltage powertrain based electric vehicles. 这个奖项激励了赵又廷,让他有信心在研究中走得更远. 在这个奖项的支持下, 他计划参加更多的会议和峰会,在英国和国际上进行合作.

It's fair to say that Chao’s recent award is just the latest recognition of over ten years of studying and working to help engineer a better world.

Chao is now a Research Assistant hired by his PhD supervisor as part of the ‘Newton Advanced Fellowship: Artificial intelligence supported safe operation and health prediction for electric vehicle motors’ project.

除了他的研究生研究奖, 他还获得了新萄新京十大正规网站国际旅行奖. 赵小兰于2021年11月前往中国参加2021年国际能源联合会议, 电气与动力工程.

Members of the panel felt it was a strong application and that the award would add value and benefit to the 新萄新京十大正规网站 and the wider community.

Chao has already published over 20 journal and conference papers and has published seven IEEE Transactions journal papers as the first author. He has shared his academic achievements during his PhD with his peers through publications and international conferences.


In 2020, I was thrilled to win an 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Award for my PhD research on Data-driven Reliability-centred Evolutionary and Automated Maintenance for Offshore Wind Farms (DREAM) — a project funded by Électricité de France (EDF) Research in London. 

获奖后,我可以继续从事DREAM项目. 除了, I have joined the Dependable Intelligent System Research group at the University of Hull as a research associate. The 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Award helped me to advance my research and I was able to propose a new concept for safety evaluation of artificial intelligence known as “SafeML”. 因为SafeML的想法,我在2022年获得了阿兰·图灵研究所博士后充实奖. 

I am currently working on a European project called SESAME (Secure and Safe Multi-Robot Systems) where I focus on developing frameworks like SafeML and SafeDrones to improve the safety and security of multi-robot systems.  


I was fortunate to receive an award in 2020 for my industry-focused PhD research on metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and photonic crystal surface emitting lasers (PCSELs). The recognition associated with an award from an organisation like the 新萄新京十大正规网站 has been a source of great strength and confidence in my own abilities as I look to build a career as a researcher.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize directly facilitated an exciting collaboration with colleagues in Japan and now, 随着COVID-19限制的放松, I hope to visit Tokyo in the Autumn to meet with them in person and to present my research at the SSDM conference.

获奖以来, 我已经通过几篇期刊文章和会议报告发表了我的研究成果, and have subsequently won an 新萄新京十大正规网站 Travel Award allowing me to attend the international conference on MOVPE in Stuttgart, 并与潜在的新合作者一起参加研究访问.

I am currently in the process of writing up my PhD thesis and have recently taken up a new role as a KTP Associate with the University of Glasgow and Vector Photonics where I work on improving the reliability of PCSELs, 有助于推动它们的商业化.

Una Davies 2020年冠军

I was honoured to receive an 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize last year and even though we were not able to hold a physical awards ceremony due to the pandemic, it was great to celebrate virtually with the 新萄新京十大正规网站 and recognise the amazing achievements of so many young engineers.

获奖后,我获得了美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的博士后职位, 我将在国内最重要的核工程部门之一工作.

我在那里的研究将集中在先进反应堆上, 特别是小型模块化反应堆, 以及将核能与可再生能源相结合的可能性.