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作为新萄新京十大正规网站, you will have committed to keeping your knowledge and skills up to date through planned professional development, 正如在 新萄新京十大正规网站行为准则.

因此, you may be randomly chosen to submit your CPD records from the previous year to be reviewed.

How are you supporting me in this process?

你可以轻松地 record and submit your annual CPD records using 职业经理. Easy to use and mobile-responsive, 职业经理 provides quick access to your information from a mobile device or your desktop computer.

Do I have to submit a CPD record every year?

We strongly encourage you to submit CPD records every year.

然而, it's not mandatory unless you are selected to provide a CPD record for review as part of our annual mandatory CPD audit.

在这种情况下, a CPD record must be submitted, or you will need to request an exemption or deadline extension.

How many CPD hours do I need to undertake?

We recommend that professionally active members undertake at least 30 hours of CPD per calendar year (at least 10 hours if partially active).

Semi-retired or partially-active members have a reduced target of 10 hours. Members who are no longer professionally active need not undertake any CPD.

Estimating CPD hours is subjective. Individuals decide how many hours of learning they feel they have gained from a given activity.

How do I record and submit CPD?

We encourage members to use 职业经理.

This online professional development tool enables you to plan and record your CPD activities, track your progress on an ongoing basis and submit your CPD record on an annual basis.

You can provide some basic information and upload your existing CPD record to 职业经理 from a different source if you already record it using a different system/method.

Not using 职业经理?

It is also possible to send a CPD record to us 通过电子邮件 or 邮寄. Please note that this may involve follow-up questions and a longer processing time.

A standard CPD record covers:

  • name and type of activity
  • target date 如果适用的话 (if planned)
  • 开始和结束日期
  • a short description and reflection (lessons learnt)
  • 持续新萄新京十大正规网站进修时数.

What are the mandatory CPD audit criteria?

We recommend that CPD hours are split between personal technical knowledge and skills, job-specific technical knowledge and skills and personal soft skills.

If you are selected to have your CPD reviewed as part of the CPD audit, we will consider the following factors:

  • Whether or not you have included a CPD plan and if your CPD relates to it.
  • Whether or not you have achieved the recommended 30 hours of CPD for the year in question.
  • Whether or not you have included CPD across a range of the TWAVES categories.
  • Whether or not you have included a mix of soft and technical skills.
  • Whether or not you have linked your CPD to UK-SPEC competences.
  • Whether or not you have included a brief reflection statement detailing how you've benefited from your CPD activities.

What if I don’t submit a CPD record for review as part of the mandatory CPD audit?

Members who continually do not respond or engage with our request put their 新萄新京十大正规网站 membership and, 如果适用的话, Professional Registration at risk.